I love my outfit! How do I take care of it?

I love my outfit! How do I take care of it?

Welcome back!  Chances are, you're reading this because you absolutely love your style and you want to know some tips on how to keep your garments looking new!  You're in luck, I'm here to simplify it a little.  All clothing items need to be cared for differently based on the materials used to create them. 
I know what you're thinking, "Hold up! So you're telling me that I shouldn't just throw all my items together in the washing machine?"  That is correct, i guess mom really knew what she was doing when she would sort the laundry before throwing them in wash.  
So now that we know not all items are handled the same, how do we know the correct way to launder our favorite items?  Each product description on my site shows the correct way to launder each item, but if you are looking after the fact, and you don't have time to look for the item on the site, you can find out by looking at the tag.  Each tag has symbols to show how the item should be laundered.  See the image below for what each symbol means.
Follow the guidelines as per your tag, and you will keep your items looking newer, longer!
Happy Shopping!
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